Upcoming events

to Mar 1


On February 28th at 7pm through March 1st 2025- 8pm, the Dodge City community of believers will come together and be a part of a global gathering of the church through Gather25.

During this event, we are able to make connections with local believers so that we can encourage one another in prayer & worship, listen to stories and testimonies from all over the world and then commission each other to go and share the gospel across denominations to reach the 5.5 billion people who don’t know Jesus. As part of this group, you will see updates on Gather25 and be given opportunities to participate in our local gathering. Not only will we be able to do this with those right here in Dodge City, we will have the unique opportunity to worship and praise God with other Christians from around the world. Gather25 is a unique platform that will allow the Global Church to connect to each other for a solid 25 hours. We want to invite YOU to gather with us for Gather25! We would also like to invite you and other fellow believers to be a part of the leadership team or a volunteer member for the day of the event. To stay up to date with Gather25 information; follow along on the Gather25 Dodge City Facebook Page.

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GriefShare 2025

GriefShare 2025

GriefShare provides help and encouragement after the death of a spouse, child, family member, or friend. Join for a special 13-week seminar and support group designed to help you rebuild your life after losing a loved one. Our group is led by caring people who have experience grief and want to help you through the difficult days ahead. We know it hurts, and we want to help. Starting February 16th, we will meet at 3:00pm, and the cost is only $10 to cover the price of the workbook you will receive. Please register at fccdc.com/griefshare or by calling the church office at 620-227-8686

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Whether your marriage is good and you want it to be great, or you are at rock-bottom and wonder if there is hope, re|engage is a safe place to grow in your marriage. Each week, you will hear from couples whose marriages have been transformed, learn practical ways to grow in oneness with your spouse, and gain insight from others in a small group setting as you walk through the 14 sessions.

Starting January 15 - April 23

Cost $20 per couple | Limited spots available
Wednesday's at 6:30 PM
Register here: www.fccdc.com/marriage 

If you have any questions or want to learn more, you can contact the church office at office@fccdc.com or call us at 620-227-8686. You can also text Tamie at 620-322-2888. Scholarships are also available by contacting the office.

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Farewell Card Shower

Farewell Card Shower

Join us at any of our three services as we bid a heartfelt farewell to Cassy Meyers. Cassy is leaving First Christian Church to move to Ohio and be closer to her family. After each service, stop by the Gathering Space to share a hug, express your gratitude, and wish her well as she embarks on this exciting new chapter. Let’s come together to celebrate Cassy and send her off with love and blessings!

A Message from Cassy

Hello FCC Family,

I can hardly believe this is my last week and Sunday at FCC. Since starting here on August 2, 2019, God has truly blessed me through each of you. My life has been forever changed by this church, and FCC will always hold a special place in my heart.

My sisters and I are moving to Columbus, Ohio, to be closer to our family. In December 2023, we welcomed our first baby niece, and it’s been so hard loving her from afar. This move wasn’t an easy decision, but family means everything.

A special thank-you to the FCC team for being my family and support over the years. You’ve stood by me through so much, and I will miss you all dearly.

These last five years at FCC have been filled with love and encouragement from this incredible community. Please stop by on Sunday so I can thank you in person and give you a hug! I am so grateful for the way you’ve touched my life, and I’ll carry those memories into this next chapter. I trust that God has a plan for what lies ahead.

God is so good, y’all! (Romans 8:38-39) 

In Christ’s Love,
Cassy Meyers

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End of Year Giving

End of Year Giving

End-of-Year Giving at First Christian Church

As 2024 comes to a close, we want to thank you for your unwavering faithfulness and generosity throughout the year. Your giving has made a lasting impact on our church and community, enabling us to continue our ministry and outreach efforts.

The final day for 2024 end-of-year contributions is Sunday, December 31, 2024. Here are the ways you can give:

  • Online: Visit www.fccdc.com/give to give securely and conveniently.

  • By Mail: Send your gift to P.O. Box 1416, Dodge City, KS 67801 (postmarked by 12/31/24).

  • In Person: Place your contribution in the black offering boxes located throughout the church.

  • By Text: Simply text any dollar amount to 84321 and follow the prompts.

Every gift matters and helps us continue to share the love of Christ with our community and beyond. Thank you for being part of this mission!

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Family Sunday

Family Sunday

Family Sunday- December 29th! 
Bring your kiddos with you to service
Services at 8:15, 9:30 and 11:00
Nursery and PreK will be available at 9:30 and 11:00

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No Midweek - Building Closed Holidays
to Jan 3

No Midweek - Building Closed Holidays

The holiday season is upon us! Please note that our building will be closed during the week of Christmas and New Year’s, and there will be no midweek gatherings.

Office Closed: December 23-26 & December 30-January 2

We wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Don’t forget to join us for our Christmas Eve Services at 6:00 PM and 8:00 PM. We look forward to celebrating with you!

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4's & 5's Happy Birthday Jesus

4's & 5's Happy Birthday Jesus

Happy Birthday Jesus!

4’s & 5’s Class - join us Sunday, December 22 for our Christmas party in the 4’s & 5’s classroom at 9:30 & 11:00 AM.

If you have any questions, please reach out to Mary Lou down in FCC Kids.

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Poinsettias in Loving Memory

Poinsettias in Loving Memory

We are purchasing three beautiful large poinsettias to be displayed at each entrance in remembrance and honor of a lost loved one for Christmas Eve services. If you would like to purchase a memorial, you can do so for $10 in the church office or on Sunday at the welcome center. 

The last day to purchase one is Wednesday, December 18.

Reminder: There will be no poinsettias to take home, this option is only for the memorial page. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact the office at 620-227-8686.

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Ladies Night Christmas Sock Exchange

Tuesday, December 17th at 5:30pm

All Women Welcome!

Contact Sierra at the FCC office with any questions!

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55 & Better Christmas Light Tour

55 & Better Christmas Light Tour

Join us for a festive evening filled with good food and holiday cheer! The evening begins with dinner in the Fellowship Hall at 5:00 PM, followed by a short drive down the hill to the Dodge City Visitor Center at 6:15 PM (400 W Wyatt Earp Blvd.), where we’ll board the trolley for a magical tour of the city’s Christmas lights. This event is completely free, but space is limited to 30 participants, so be sure to sign up soon to reserve your spot. You can sign-up in the foyer or on the form down below:

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Ugly Christmas Sweater Sunday

Ugly Christmas Sweater Sunday

Ugly Christmas Sweater Sunday!

Get ready to bring out your ugliest or most festive Christmas sweaters because Sunday, December 8 is Ugly Christmas Sweater Sunday at FCC!

Join us at any of our 3 services:
8:15 | 9:30 | 11:00 AM

Don’t forget to stop by our Christmas photobooth for a picture with your family and friends! Share your photos on social media and tag us with #FCCChristmas2024—we can’t wait to see your festive looks!

Let’s make it a Sunday to remember! See you there!

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Christmas Photobooth

Christmas Photobooth

Start planning your Christmas family photos! Starting Sunday, December 8th, we will have our Christmas photo booth up in the Gathering Space for all your holiday picture needs. We plan on leaving it up all through December so you have plenty of time to get all your beautiful and fun family photos. 

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Madrigal Performance

Madrigal Performance

Madrigal performance - DCHS Choir will perform in the Sanctuary on Wednesday, December 4 at 11:00 AM, followed by lunch in the Multipurpose Room. Everyone is welcome to come! If you are interested in staying for lunch, please RSVP below:

RSVP to Jean by December 1 at Cell: 620-338-0017 or Home: 620-371-6132

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No Midweek - Building Closed
to Nov 28

No Midweek - Building Closed

Happy Thanksgiving from First Christian Church!

We are so grateful for the blessings of this season and for the wonderful community we share. As we pause to give thanks, we pray you enjoy a joyous Thanksgiving surrounded by loved ones.

Please note the following changes to our schedule during the holiday week:

  • Church Office Closed: Thursday, November 28.

  • Building Closed: No midweek activities on Wednesday, November 27.

Take this time to rest, reflect, and celebrate all that God has done.

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Women's Council Thanksgiving DInner

Women's Council Thanksgiving DInner

Join us for Women’s Council Thanksgiving Dinner on Wednesday, November 20 at 12 Noon at Masonic Lodge (1207 McAartor). Cost $12 - spouses are welcome!

Special Guests:

  • Mark & Janet Layman - Global Witness

  • Drake & Josephine - Missionaries Uganda

  • FCC Staff

RSVP to Mary Lou at 740-499-6750 by Friday, November 15th

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Operation Christmas Child - National Collection Week
to Nov 25

Operation Christmas Child - National Collection Week

Operation Christmas Child is here!
Boxes are now available at all church entrances for packing. Simply grab a box and a packet, fill it up with gifts, and return it during our collection week from November 18-25. (Check drop-off times below.)

If you'd like to volunteer during OCC Week, email Brian at brian@fccdc.com or sign up at the church entrances.

First Christian Church Drop off location details: 
Mon, Nov. 18: 8:00 AM - 10:00 AM
Tue, Nov. 19: 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Wed, Nov. 20: 8:00 AM - 10:00 AM
Thu, Nov. 21: 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM
Fri, Nov. 22: 8:00 AM - 10:00 AM
Sat, Nov. 23: 8:00 AM - 10:00 AM
Sun, Nov. 24: 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Mon, Nov. 25: 8:00 AM - 10:00 AM

Learn more about OCC here: https://www.samaritanspurse.org/what-we-do/operation-christmas-child/

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Congregational Meeting

Congregational Meeting

Annual Congregational Meeting or Sunday, November 17 at 5:30 PM in the FCC Sanctuary.

2025 Anticipated Financial Needs Approval.

*Members must be 16 years old or older to vote.

For questions, contact the church office at 620-227-8686

*Are you an active member? Here are the member guidelines at FCC:

  • Has confessed faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and has responded by repentance and baptism by

    immersion. (Acts 2:38, Galatians 3:27, Romans 6:3-5)

  • Strives to live in obedience with the doctrines and practices of the Bible, the inerrant, inspired word of God.

  • Worships regularly at FCCDC and supports FCCDC’s vision by their attendance, service and financial support.

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GriefShare - Surviving the Holidays

GriefShare - Surviving the Holidays

Struggling with how to face the upcoming holiday season? For many, the weeks around Thanksgiving and Christmas can be especially challenging when a loved one is no longer there. If you find yourself dreading the holidays, our Surviving the Holidays event offers support and understanding in a warm, welcoming environment.

This two-hour gathering is designed to help you process your emotions, manage expectations, and equip you with practical tools to approach the season with renewed peace. Attendees will receive a Survival Guide to use throughout the holiday season as a source of comfort and strength. It is our prayer that God will carry you through, and we are here to walk with you as you navigate this time.

Join us on Sunday, November 17 at 2:00 PM at FCC (711 5th Ave). This event is free; simply register below. Let us support you as you find ways to “Survive the Holidays.”

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Trunk or Treat

Trunk or Treat

We’re gearing up for our annual Trunk or Treat on Wednesday, October 30, from 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM in the FCC parking lot. Help us create a fun and safe trick-or-treating experience for our community!

How can you get involved?

  • Decorate your vehicle invite your life group to help you!

  • Help pass out candy to all the little trick-or-treaters!

Sign up today at www.fccdc.com/trunk to be a part of the fun.

Candy Donations Needed!
Can you grab an extra bag of candy during your shopping trip? Drop off your candy donations:

  • At the church office, Monday–Thursday (8:00 AM – 4:00 PM)

  • Or, at the Welcome Center on Sunday!

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55 & Better Lunch

55 & Better Lunch

Save the date for our 55 & Better Lunch on Tuesday, October 29, from 11:30 AM to 1:00 PM in the Fellowship Hall. Join us for a delightful meal and a time of fellowship. RSVP down below.

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Baby Dedication Sunday

Baby Dedication Sunday

We believe children are a gift from God. As parents, being a part of a loving church family can help you raise your children in the ways of the Lord. We see throughout scripture the practice of parents presenting their children to the Lord for God's blessing upon their family and to dedicate their child unto the Lord (Luke 2:22, Mark 10:13).

Although this act does not ensure the salvation of the child, it is a powerful declaration before the Lord and the broader church family of the parents' intent to train and teach their children to follow Jesus.

If you would like to sign-up your little one to be dedicated on Sunday, October 20, click the link here and fill out the form online: www.fccdc.com/baby

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Men's Trap Shooting

Men's Trap Shooting

You're invited to Men's Trap Shooting on Saturday, October 19, from 5-7 PM! All men are welcome to join, and feel free to bring your kids for a fun evening of friendly competition and fellowship. Fire pit and roasted hot dogs to follow. Come out, test your skills, and enjoy time together!

Date: Saturday, October 19

Time: 5:00 - 7:00 PM

Location: 10867 W. McArtor Rd. Dodge City

Questions contact Brian at brian@fccdc.com or call 620-227-8686

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DCHS Staff Appreciation

DCHS Staff Appreciation

Join us in blessing the teachers of Dodge City High School!

We invite you to participate in a service project to bless the teachers at Dodge City High School (DCHS) during their Parent-Teacher Conferences. We are collecting prepackaged snacks, chips, and drinks to place in the teachers’ workrooms as a gesture of appreciation.

How to Get Involved:
What we need: Prepackaged snacks, chips, and drinks.
Where to drop off: First Christian Church (now through October 7th).
What we’ll do: After collecting the items, we will assemble care packages for each hallway at DCHS, and we’d love to include notes of encouragement along with the snacks.

If you would like to help us deliver the care packages or have any questions, please contact Susan Ridgway at First Christian Church at 620-227-8686. We hope to have representation from as many churches as possible to make this a community-wide effort!

Let’s come together as the Church to serve and bless our community!

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Women's Council

Women's Council

Join us for Women’s Council on Wednesday, Oct 2 at 1:30 PM - at 1819 Fairway Dr. Dodge City.

Please RSVP by September 26 to Jean at 620-338-0017

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GriefShare provides help and encouragement after the death of a spouse, child, family member, or friend. GriefShare is a special 13-week seminar and support group designed to help you rebuild your life after losing a loved one. Each session includes a helpful video, discussion time, and a take-home workbook to provide daily encouragement. Our group is led by caring people who have experienced grief and want to help you through the difficult days ahead. We know it hurts, and we want to help.

If you are experiencing grief we hope you will join us starting Sunday, September 29 at 3:00 PM. The cost is only $10 to cover the price of the workbook. Please register for GriefShare by filling out the form below.

If you have questions, contact the church office at 620-227-8686.

Schedule: Starting Sunday, September 29 (13 week class)

Group Leaders: Blake, Lisa, and Jeff Rumbaugh

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GRITIRON - Men's Fall Retreat
to Sep 28

GRITIRON - Men's Fall Retreat

Sign-up for our upcoming Men's GRITIRON Fall Retreat, September 26-28! All men 18 and older are invited to join us for a weekend in the mountains, diving into God's Word, and talking about what it means to be a "Man of God". Learn more and register at www.fccdc.com/men 

Deadline to sign-up is Sunday, September 22.

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