First Christian Church Exists to
Love God, love others, and serve the world

So here is what to expect!

Your first time at a new church can be intimidating! We know that there can be many questions about what to expect, how to dress, and who will be there - so here is what you need to know!

Want to see what our services are like? Check out our livestream!

We wear jeans here

It’s not about dressing up in the right clothes

but finding life change through

Jesus Christ, so come just as you are!

There is no need to dress up!

(We expect most people to come in jeans)
Here at FCC, you’ll find everyone has their own style!

And - we have coffee from a local coffee shop available
in our gathering space in between each service!

Raised Hand photo

WE HAVE Three services

We have three services at 8:15, 9:30, and 11 a.m.

Our traditional service is at 8:15 where we keep the volume comfortable.

Our contemporary services are at 9:30 and 11, where it gets a little louder!

We then have a time of reflection and prayer after every teaching, where we encourage you to pray and connect with others!

At all three services, we play two worship songs before the teaching,
two songs and communion after.

What about your kids?

On Sunday mornings we have classes for students from Kindergarten to 5th grade!

During our 9:30 service we have KidZone, which gives our kids a time of Worship, Games, and Lessons! This is a service that is designed to allow them to worship God in creative ways!

During our 11:00 service we have Sunday school to help our children dig deeper into scripture in an age appropriate way!

After worship, we will have a Biblical teaching!

This teaching is usually thirty minutes long, and we have screens where we put the scripture and any quotes!

We usually use an NLT Bible - and if you do not have a Bible, we would love to give you one, and you can download the Bible App!

Curious about what we believe?

We’ve got you covered.

We teach from the Bible

The life of a teenager or preteen can be challenging to navigate.

Our goal is to encourage students to "love God, love others, and serve the world" through studying the word, creating opportunities to develop relationships with Godly adults through life groups, and serving together. This is discipleship and we seek to show students how to discover life with Jesus.


There is a place for everyone at fcc

We want to teach kids to love God, love others, and serve he world through partnering with parents!

Life with kids is a great adventure! Our goal is to help our children become true disciples of Jesus Christ through building relationships with them, and being examples for them while teaching them God’s Word. We want to partner with parents to make in impact in each child's life.


Life is better together.

We believe Life Groups are the best way to build relationships within the church and with Christ. We have groups meeting on different days of the week for fellowship and to study the Bible together.


Visit us


711 5th Avenue
Dodge City, KS.
Right on top of BootHill Museum

at 8:15, 9:30, and 11 am

Our story

First Christian Church was founded in 1886, and has been a strong influence in the Dodge City and surrounding communities since that time.  We draw great strength from our history, and appreciate the faithful efforts of those who have faithfully lived their lives to help bring our church to where we are today.

We are a multiple generational church with great diversity in our people, worship, and connections while united with each other in Jesus Christ.  Our continued goal is to reach out to people in Dodge City and beyond, build relationship connections with them, and help them grow in their relationship with Christ to create disciple-making disciples. Or in simple terms, Love God, Love Others, Serve the World.  We believe that our focus provides us with a great opportunity to increase God's kingdom both today, and in the future.

And the best is yet to come!  We long for the day when Christ returns, but until then, we want to continue loving people and adding to His kingdom. We may not know exactly what God has in store for us, but we know if we pursue Him and His work, First Christian Church and her people will continue to influence the Dodge City area.

FCCDC Outside Photo


We take safety serious here at FCC!

All of this is done in an abundance of caution, and strictly in a “what if” situation. Thank you for your help in keeping the congregation safe, and if you have any questions, please ask an Elder or a member of the Shepherd Team.

  • This is a common-sense driven emergency. You need to find the nearest clear exit and get out of the building. Know that if you have children in the church, we can’t stop you from going to them, but know too that their supervisors will evacuate them from the building, and you could put yourselves in danger by going to their aid. In the event you and your family get separated, the church rally point is the flagpole on the northeast corner of the property.

  • We will not go outside like the rest of SouthWest Kansas and lookup at the sky. Instead, in an orderly fashion move downstairs and shlter in the tow main hallways and the small rooms adjoining them. If possible, we will avoid sheltering in the Fellowship Hall and MPR due to the greater possibility of collapse and injury by flying glass. This posture will be maintained until the all clear is given.

  • Should this be an issue during a service, we would like to ask that you remain in your seats unless you are a medical professional. In the event you are medically trained, assist the shepherd ministry team members in dealing with the situation.

  • This is by far the hardest scenario to address, but in today’s world, one we cannot overlook. In the event of shots fired or a knife attack, get low and get moving to the nearest clear exit. If you are unable to move, get on the floor, and you will be assisted after the threat is stopped.