fcc missions

"Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit..." (Matthew 28:19)

A note from the FCC Missions Team

The FCC Missions Team is committed to informing the congregation about FCC's Mission Partners in Dodge City, the USA, and around the world.

This is intended as a resource for those who wish to learn more about the people we partner with and financially support each month. If you have questions or a desire to get involved, please feel free to reach out to any of the team members.

So Christ himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers, to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up. (Eph 4:11-12)

Local Missions


Cookson Hills Logo

For more information:

Email: frontdesk@cooksonhills.org
Cookson Hills

Who are they?

Currently, a staff of 52 and many volunteers are empowered to fulfill the vision to raise up healthy individuals and positively impact future generations through a loving environment to the young people today.

Who are they serving?

Located in Northeast Oklahoma, the ministry focuses on serving youth from the ages of 5-17, struggling with family life, school truancy, homelessness, peer struggles, and other deep hardships.

How can you help and pray for them?

The team is looking for funds to establish a permanent daycare center and counseling center. Pray that students may continue to be healed by the deep and abiding power of Jesus' name.

Dodge City Pregnancy Support

For more information:

Phone: 620-682-3015

Email: dodgechooseslife@yahoo.com
DC Pregnancy Support

Who are they?

We are an interdenominational Christian organization existing to encourage, equip, and empower women and their families. They provide a safe and non-judgmental place to explore your unplanned pregnancy options? Visit Dodge City Pregnancy Support! We provide all the facts, so you can make an informed and empowered decision!

Who are they serving?

Located at 2601 Central Ave, Suite LL43, in Dodge City, Kansas, the ministry focuses on serving women of all ages.

How can you help and pray for them?

Pray for donations and needs to be met to keep this ministry going. Also pray for all the clients who are afraid of judgement - pray that they would know how loved they are.

We believe training and building up pastors and missionaries is a crucial part of missions. FCC currently supports three Christian colleges / universities. We have previously sent and are continuing to send members of our own congregation into the mission field as a part of their degree opportunites.

Christian Higher Education

Manhattan Christian College

Manhattan Christian College

Location: Manhattan, Kansas

OZARK Christian College

Ozark Christian College

Location: Joplin, Missouri
Website: occ.edu

Emmanuel Christian Seminary at Milligan


Location: Johnson City, Tennessee

I have given them the glory that you gave me, that they may be one as we are one— I in them and you in me—so that they may be brought to complete unity. Then the world will know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me. (John 17:22-23)

international missions


For more information:

Website: e3partners.org

Who are they?

They are two "FCC homegrown" missionaries. e3 Partners is a worldwide organization with a mission to multiply disciples and churches across the globe until every person and place has been reached for Christ.

Who are they serving?

They will be serving in South Asia with a vision to catalyze leaders and healthy reproducing indigenous churches to reach the 600+ million Muslims living there.

How can you help and pray for them?

Pray that God will encourage and strengthen this young couple as they begin their ministry as missionaries to muslim people. Ask that God would open doors for them to meet people and establish relationships with those they will be serving.

Kevin Dooley


Go Ministries

For more information:

Email: kdooley@gomin.org

Who are they?

Kevin Dooley has served faithfully on the field for several years and now works with multiple organizations as a mobilizer for "marketplace ministries."

Who are they serving?

Kevin Dooley is currently collaborating with several organizations, including Pioneer Bible Translators (PBT) and Global Hope, which serves under GO Ministries. With PBT, he is working to help increase business capabilities in efforts to promote disciple-making. Part of that increase is achieved through Global Hope, Kevin's other ministry partner, whichrecruits young business men and women who will use their professions to access countries otherwise closed to Christianity and the gospel.

How can you help and pray for them?

Pray that workers will enter the mission field as Christian universities expand their business degrees to include a global business emphasis. Pray also that apprenticeships and internships would be an avenue to direct the growing tide of young workers seeking to honor Christ in the marketplace.

Mission Caribe

Mission Caribe

For more information:

Email: office@caribbeanoutreach.net
Mission Caribe

Who are they?

A group of missionaries in Honduras, striving to serve the community and spread the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Who are they serving?

Mision Caribe focuses on door-to-door evangelism and hosting events to care for the physical and spiritual needs of the people who live in Tegucigalpa and surrounding mountainous areas.

How can you help and pray for them?

Pray for opportunities to take the gospel to Honduran people in the city and in rural areas and that there will be short-term mission team visits from supporting churches.

Jon Meza and family

SPanish American Evangelistic Ministries

Spanish American Evangelistic Ministries

For more information:

Email: j.meza@saeministries.com

Who are they?

Spanish American Evangelistic Ministries (SAEM) is located in El Paso, Texas. The current director is Jonathan Meza.

Who are they serving?

The main base of ministry is located on the American/Mexican border (El Paso/Juarez) and the focus of service is supporting churches to reach out to the surrounding communities, through the production of tracts for teaching, media, and care packages.

How can you help and pray for them?

Pray that the churches will be unified for the sake of Christ's glory. SAEM is branching out to do work in Oaxaca, Mexico, a place where the team has not been. Pray for safety and abundant fruit from this new opportunity.

Open door mission

For more information:

Email: odmission@yahoo.com

Who are they?

Open Door Mission serves the unreached in the Philippines. Tito Pel currently serves as senior minister at Moores Hill Church of Christ in Moores Hill, Indiana and also oversees the work of Open Door Mission in the Philippines.

Who are they serving?

The main focus of Open Door Mission is holistic church planting by training up teachers and pastors and sending them out with support to plant churches throughout local communities.  Currently, the mission has a presence in Vancouver, British Columbia, where there is a strong Filipino presence. There they continue to recruit and train young teachers and pastors for ministry in local communities and in the Philippines.

How can you help and pray for them?

Pray for local churches, often isolated due to continued meeting restrictions from the pandemic, and for continued church-planting efforts.

Brian VanArsdale with a goofy smile

brian vanarsdale


Brian has served at FCCDC for 5 years now and loves seeing the church in action! He works closely with the Missions Team, leads mission trips, and loves to tell people about what the church is doing! To get involved, or just to visit about FCC’s mission partners give him a call!


Phone: 620-227-8686
Address: 711 5th Ave, PO Box 1416, Dodge City, KS 67801